Thursday, 15 July 2010

Day One - from home to Gent

So Jojo and I have found wifi for the first time since leaving the UK, so here come a couple of blogs in a row...

Day One - Mileage 0-180 (by van, plus probably about 30 by boat)

After loading up the (still nameless van) we got to Dover by 12.30 and onto the ferry in fog and rain at 1.50. Set off at 2 bang ontime, and if I'm honest we were expecting some rough seas with the wind & rain in Dover. Luckily it was flat calm, & despite much worrying neither Jojo nor I threw up.

Travelling by ferry feels more "real" than travelling by plane. It's a slow stately pace and you see one place disappear into the horizon & the new place appear out of it. It appeals to me a lot - and not just because in an anxious plane passenger.

On arrival in Dunkirk we fired up the Tom Tom for the first time. I've never used sat nav before and not really trusted it, thinking that a man should use a map. However our sat nav speaks in a gentle Irish lilt which renders him pretty friendly, so Jojo and I have decided to trust him, & named him Dermott. He guided us to Gent, and - a few missed exits and u turns later (my fault, not Dermott's) - we made it to Blaamersteem Camping.

After wrestling with the back seat, we popped up the roof, fired up the gas, and ate an awesome dinner of sausage and pasta. We christened the in van loo (no details spared here ladies and gentlemen) and clambered "upstairs" into a surprisingly comfy bed, for a blissful 7 hours sleep.

A pretty good start to our honeymoon voyage, all members of the team - Dermott, Le Van and Mr & Mrs H doing well. Onwards and upwards...

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